primeira parte desta
enciclopédia metroidvania, vimos que gênero é um conceito relativo que serve mais para descrever e fornecer reconhecimento do que para definir fronteiras claras. Em seguida, abordamos um pouco da história e as principais características desse estilo de jogos tão prolífico na atualidade.
Enciclopédia Metroidvania
Nesta segunda parte, o assunto será as listas de metroidvanias de A a Z, apresentando um grande número de títulos já lançados e outros apenas anunciados, somando mais de 300 obras e links para mais de 130 análises do GameBlast e Nintendo Blast. Também adicionei um ranking simplificado de uma a cinco estrelas para os mais de 80 títulos que eu já joguei nesse gênero.
Hoje os tópicos serão:
- Precursores (20 jogos)
- Lista de títulos já lançados (294 jogos)
- Futuros lançamentos (98 jogos)
Última atualização: 15/03/2025
- Montezuma's Revenge (1984, Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Master System)
- H.E.R.O (1984, Atari 2600/Atari 5200/ColecoVision/Commodore 64)
- Xanadu (1985, PC/Saturn)
- Metroid (1986, NES)
- Super Pitfal (1986)
- Faxanadu (1987, NES)
- Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest (1987, NES)
- The Goonies II (1987, NES)
- Blaster Master (1988, NES)
- Strider (1989, NES)
- Wonder Boy III: The Dragon’s Trap (1989, Master System/Game Gear. Remake: PC/PS4/XBO/Switch/Mobile)
- Metroid II: Return of Samus (1991, GB)
- Ufouria: The Saga (1991, NES)
- Demon’s Crest (1994, SNES)
- Monster World IV (1994, Mega Drive. Remake: Wonder Boy: Asha in Monster World, 2021, PC/PS4/Switch)
- Adventure Island IV (1994, NES)
- Super Adventure Island II (1994, SNES)
- Magical Pop’n (1995, SNES)
- Tomba! (1997, PC/PS5/XSX/Switch/PS1)
- Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine Return (1999, PS1. Futuro lançamento: PC/PS5/XSX/Switch)
Mapa de Montezuma's Revenge |
Metroidvanias já lançados até o final de 2024
A lista não pretende incluir todos os títulos do gênero, uma vez que há um grande ecossistema no PC de títulos autopublicados e pouco conhecidos. Alguns destes também estão aqui e atualizarei a lista à medida que conhecer mais metroidvanias.
Como é preciso estabelecer uma fronteira de pragmatismo em algum lugar, os precursores, roguevanias e parentes próximos não integram a lista a seguir. As imagens foram escolhidas como indicações de jogos bons que não estão entre os mais famosos.
Incluí um ranking para os títulos que já joguei em um sistema de uma a cinco estrelas. É simples e subjetivo, mas serve para enfatizar minhas recomendações.
★★★★★ Melhores entre os melhores
★★★★ Se destaca acima da média, mesmo que ainda possa ter algum problema
★★★ Está na média e satisfaz, ainda que seja simples ou tenha problemas
★★ Acerta em alguns pontos, mas ainda está abaixo da média
★ Não recomendo no todo
8Doors: Arum's Afterlife Adventure |
- A Castle Full of Cats (2023, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch) ★★★
- A Robot Named Fight (2017, PC/PS4/Switch)
- An Untitled Story (2007, PC. Gratuito. Da criadora de Celeste)
- Aestik (2024, PC, demo)
- Aeterna Noctis (2021, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch) ★★★★
- After Death (2017, PC)
- Afterimage (2023, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch) ★★★★
- Aggelos (2019, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch)
- Airhead (2024, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch)
- Alchemist's Castle (2017, PC/PS4/Switch)
- And All Would Cry Beware! (PC, 2019)
- Angel's Gear (2023, PC/Switch)
- Anima Flux (2024, PC, demo. Futuro lançamento: PS5/XSX/Switch)
- Animal Well (2024, PC/PS5/Switch) ★★★★★
- Alruna and the Necro-Industrialists (2024, PC)
- Alwa’s Awakening (2017, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch/NES/Evercade)
- Alwa’s Legacy (2020, PC/PS4/Switch) ★★★
- AM2R (2016, PC, feito por fãs) ★★★
- Apotheon (2015, PC/PS4) ★★★
- Aquaria (2007, PC)
- Arcane Assembly (2024, PC)
- Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore (2024, PC/PS5/XSX/Switch)
- Astalon: Tears of the Earth (2021, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch) ★★★★
- Astronite (2022, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch) ★★★
- Ato (2020, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch)
- Awaken: Astral Blade (2024, PC/PS5/PS4/XBO/XSX/Switch) ★★
- Axiom Verge (2015, PC/PS4/PS Vita/XBO/Switch/Wii U) ★★★
- Axiom Verge 2 (2021, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/Switch) ★★★
Astalon: Tears of the Earth |
- B.I.O.T.A. (2022, PC)
- Bad Pad (2018, PC, demo)
- Batbarian: Testament of the Primordials (2020, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch)
- Batman: Arkham Asylum (2009, PC/PS3/PS4/X360/XBO/Switch) ★★★★
- Bioframe Outpost (2024, PC/PS5/PS4/XSX/XBO/Switch)
- Biomorph (2024, PC/PS5. Futuro lançamento: XSX/Switch)
- Blade Chimera (2025, PC, demo /Switch)
- Blasphemous (2019, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch)
- Blasphemous 2 (2023, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch) ★★★★
- Blast Brigade vs The Evil Legion of Dr. Cread (2022, PC/PS5/PS4/XSX/XBO/Switch)
- Bloody Hell (2023, PC, gratuito no Steam, GOG,
- Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (2019, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch/Mobile) ★★★★
- Blue Fire (2021, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch)
- Bo: Path of the Teal Lotus (2024, PC/PS5/XSX/Switch) ★★★★
- Bone Appetit (2020, PC)
- Bunny Must Die! Chelsea and the 7 Devils (2006, PC/PS4/PS Vita/Switch)
- Byte the Bullet (2024, PC/PS5/PS4/XSX/XBO/Switch)
Blast Brigade vs The Evil Legion of Dr. Cread |
- Carrion (2020, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/Switch) ★★★
- Castle in the Darkness (2015, PC)
- Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (2003, GBA/PC/PS4/XBO/Switch) ★★★★
- Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (2001, GBA/PC/PS4/XBO/Switch)
- Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow (2005, DS/PC/PS5/XSX/Switch) ★★★
- Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance (2002, GBA/PC/PS4/XBO/Switch) ★★★
- Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate (2013, PC/3DS/PS3/X360)
- Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (2008, DS/PC/PS5/XSX/Switch) ★★★
- Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (2006, DS/PC/PS5/XSX/Switch) ★★★
- Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (1997, PS1/Saturn/X360/PSP/PS4/Mobile) ★★★★★
- Cathedral (2019, PC/PS4/Switch)
- Castlevania: ReVamped (2024, PC. Fan game gratuito)
- Castlevania: The Lecarde Chronicles 2 (2017, PC. Fan game gratuito)
- Catmaze (2018, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch) ★★★
- Cave Story (2004, PC/Switch/Wii/3DS) ★★★
- Chasm (2018, PC/PS4/PS Vita/XBO/Switch)
- Chronicles of 2 Heroes: Amaterasu's Wrath (2023, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch)
- Chronicles of Teddy: Harmony of Exidus [Finding Teddy 2] (2015, PC/PS4/Switch/Wii U) ★★★
- Column on the Sea (2019, PC, demo)
- Control (2019, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch Cloud) ★★★★
- Cookie Cutter (2023, PS5/XSX/PC) ★★★
- Convergence: A League of Legends Story (PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch)
- Cosmic: A Journey Among Shadow (2025, PC. Futuro lançamento: consoles)
- Cosmos Bit (2022, PC/PS5/PS4/XSX/XBO/Switch)
- Cosmos: Stella Returns (2023, PC)
- Crypt Custodian (2024, PC/PS5/PS4/XSX/XBO/Switch) ★★★★
- Curse of the Sea Rats (2023, PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/PC/Switch) ★★
- Custodian: Beginning of the End (2021, PC. Gratuito no Steam)
Crypt Custodian |
- Dandara: Trials of Fear Edition (2018, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch/Mobile) ★★★★
- Darksiders III (2018, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch)
- Death’s Gambit: Afterlife (2018, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch)
- Demon Peak (2017, PC. Gratuito no Steam)
- Demoniaca: Everlasting Night (2022, PC/PS5/PS5/XSX/XBO/Switch)
- Depths of Sanity (2022, PC)
- Disney Illusion Island (2023, Switch)
- Doomblade (2023, PC, demo)
- Dreaming Sarah (2015, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch)
- Dust: An Elysian Tail (2012, PC/X360/PS4/Switch/Mobile) ★★★
Dandara: Trials of Fear Edition |
- Ebenezer and the Invisible World (2023, PS4/XBO/PC/Switch) ★★★
- Elderand (2023, PC/Switch)
- Eldritchvania (2024, PC, gratuito no Steam e ★★★★
- Ender Lilies: Quietus of the Knights (2021, PC/PS4/XBO/XSX/Switch) ★★★
- Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist (2025, PC/PS5/PS4/XSX/XBO/Switch) ★★★★
- Environmental Station Alpha (2015, PC)
- Escape From Tethys (2018, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch)
- Eternal Daughter (2002, PC. Gratuito)
- Ex Vitro (2024, PC. Gratuito no Steam)
- Exophobia (2024, PC/PS5/XBO/Switch)
- Exographer (2024, PC/PS5/XSX/Switch)
Ender Magnolia: Bloom in the Mist |
- F.I.S.T.: Forged in Iron Torch (2021, PC/PS4/PS5/XSX/Switch) ★★★★
- Faerie Afterlight (2023, PC/Switch)
- Faunamorph (2025, PC)
- Fearmonium (2021, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch)
- Feudal Alloy (2019, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch)
- forma.8 (2017, PC/PS4/PS Vita/XBO/Switch/Wii U/Mobile) ★★★
- Fountains (2024, PC)
- FPS Infinite (2020, PC. Gratuito no Steam)
- Frauki's Adventure! (2021, PC. Gratuito no Steam,
- Frogmonster (2024, PC)
- Frontier Hunter: Erza's Wheel of Fortune (2024, PC/PS5)
F.I.S.T.: Forged In Shadow Torch |
- Gato Roboto (2019, PC/XBO/Switch) ★★★
- Genopanic (2024, PC/PS5/PS4/XSX/XBO/Switch)
- Gestalt: Steam and Cinder (2024, PC. Futuro lançamento: Switch)
- Ghost 1.0 (2016, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch)
- Ghost Song (2022, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch) ★★★★
- Goodboy Galaxy (2024, PC/GBA. Futuro lançamento: Switch)
- Greedy Guns (2017, PC)
- Grime (2021, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch) ★★★★
- Guacamelee! (2013, PC/PS4/PS3/PS Vita/XBO/X360/Switch/Wii U) ★★★
- Guacamelee! 2 (2018, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch) ★★★★
- GunGirl 2 (2010, PC. Gratuito no Steam)
- Guns of Fury (2025, PC/Switch)
Ghost Song |
- HAAK (2022, PC/Switch)
- Haiku the Robot (2022, PC/Switch)
- Hargrave (2020, PC, gratuito no Steam)
- Headlander (2016, PC/PS4/XBO)
- Hero Core (2010, PC, gratuito)
- Hollow Floor (2024, PC, demo)
- Hollow Knight (2017, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch) ★★★★★
- HunterX (2022, PC/Switch)
Haiku the Robot |
- Iconoclasts (2018, PC/PS4/PS Vita/XBO/Switch) ★★★
- Imp of the Sun (2022, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch) ★★★
- Infernax (2022, PC/PS4/XBO/XSX/Switch)
- Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet (2011, PC/X360)
- Insect Adventure (2021, PC, demo)
- Iron Diamond (2024, PC)
- Islets (2022, PC/XBO/XSX/Switch)
- Itorah (2022, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch) ★★★
- Janosik (2020, PC, gratuito)
- Janosik 2 (2024, PC, demo)
- Kharon’s Crypt: Even Death May Die (2022, PC/Switch)
- Kingdom Shell (2023, PC)
- Knife Boy Rebooted (2019, PC/Switch)
- Kunai (2020, PC/Switch)
- La Mulana (2006, PC/PS4/PS Vita/XBO/Switch/Wii)
- La Mulana 2 (2018, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch)
- Laika: Aged Through Blood (2023, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch) ★★★★
- Lone Fungus (2023, PC/Switch. Futuro lançamento: PS4/PS5)
- Lootbox Lyfe+ (2020, PC/PS5/PS4/XSX/XBO/Switch)
- Lost Ruins (2021, PC/PS5/PS4/Switch)
- Lyle In Cube Sector (2006, PC/MD, ROM gratuita)
Islets |
- Magical Delicacy (2024, PC/XBO/XSX/Switch)
- Mark of the Deep (2025, PC. Futuro lançamento: PS5/PS4/XSX/XBO/Switch)
- Marko: Beyond Brave (2024, PC)
- Mars 2120 (2024, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch) ★★
- Metroid Dread (2021, Switch) ★★★★
- Metroid: Zero Mission (2004, GBA)
- Metroid Fusion (2002, GBA) ★★★
- Metroid: Other M (2010, Wii)
- Metroid Prime (2002, GC/Wii/Switch)
- Metroid Prime: Echoes (2004, GC/Wii)
- Metroid Prime: Corruption (2007, Wii)
- Metroid: Samus Returns (2017, 3DS)
- MF-01 AeroStrike (2023, PC, demo)
- Mini Ghost (2017, PC/Switch)
- Minishoot’ Adventures (2024, PC)
- Minivania (2021, PC, gratuito no navegador)
- Minoria (2019, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch)
- MOMIBOSU (2025, PC, demo)
- Momodora: Reverie Under Moonlight (2016, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch) ★★★
- Momodora: Moonlit Farewell (2024, PC) ★★★
- Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom (2018, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch) ★★★★★
- Monster Sanctuary (2019, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch)
- Moonlaw (2021, PC. Gratuito no Steam,
- Moonlight Pulse (2024, PC)
- Moonscars (2022, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch)
- Morkull Ragast's Rage (2025, PC/PS5/Switch, demo)
- Mortal Manor (2018, PC)
- Mystic Belle (2015, PC/PS5/XBO/Switch)
Minishoot' Adventures |
- Nine Sols (2024, PC/PS5/Switch) ★★★★★
- Noreya: The Gold Project (2024, PC)
- Oirbo (2025, PC. Futuro lançamento em consoles)
- Ori and the Blind Forest (2015, PC/XBO/Switch) ★★★★
- Ori and the Will of the Wisps (2020, PC/XSX/XBO/Switch) ★★★★★
- Outbuddies DX (2019, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch)
- Overbowed (2024, PC, demo)
- Pampas & Selene: The Maze of Demons (2024, PC/Switch)
- Pear Potion (2021, PC)
- Pharaoh Rebirth+ (2016, PC)
- Phoenotopia: Awakening (2021, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch) ★★★★★
- Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown (2024, PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/PC/Switch) ★★★★★
- Pronty (2021, PC/Switch)
- Pseudoregalia (2023, PC)
- PSYCRON (2021, PC, demo)
Pseudoregalia |
- Rabi-Ribi (2016, PC/PS4/PS Vita/Switch)
- Rebel Transmute (2024, PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/PC/Switch) ★★★
- Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth (2021, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch)★★
- REDO! (2019, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch)
- ReSetna (2025, PC)
- Rex Rocket (2014, PC/XBO)
- Rin: The Last Child (2024, PC. Depois para PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch)
- Roah (2019, PC/Switch)
- Romancelvania (2023, PC/PS5/XSX)
- Runnyk (2022, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch)
- Rusted Moss (2023, PC/PS5/XSX/Switch) ★★★★
Rusted Moss |
- Salt and Sanctuary (2016, PC/PS4/PS Vita/XBO/Switch) ★★★★
- Salt and Sacrifice (2022, PC/PS4/PS5/Switch) ★★★
- Satan Loves Cake (2019, PC, gratuito em
- Scarlet City of Devils (2025, PC)
- Scurge: Hive (2006, GBA/DS)
- Severed (2016, PS Vita/3DS/Wii U/Switch/Mobile) ★★★
- Shadow Complex (2009, PC/PS4/XBO/X360)
- Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse (2014, PC/PS5/PS4/XBO/Switch/Wii U/3DS) ★★★
- Shantae and the Seven Sirens (2020, PC/PS5/PS4/XBO/Switch)
- Sheba: A New Dawn (2024, PC)
- Sheepo (2020, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch) ★★★
- Shin Megami Tensei: Synchronicity Prologue (2017, PC, gratuito)
- Shinsekai: Into the Depths (2019, Switch, iOS)
- Skaultfold: Ursurper (2023, PC/PS5/PS4/XSX/XBO/Switch)
- Somber Echoes (2025, PC)
- Song of the Deep (2016, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch)
- Songbird Symphony (2019, PC/PS4/Switch, demo em todas as plataformas)
- Souldiers (2022, PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/PC/Switch)
- Souno's Curse (2024, PC. Futuro lançamento: Switch)
- Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (2019, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX) ★★★★
- Star Wars: Jedi Survivor (2023, PC/PS5/XSX) ★★★★
- Stardust Demon (2024, PC)
- SteamWorld Dig (2013, PC/PS4/PS Vita/XBO/Switch/Wii U/3DS) ★★★
- SteamWorld Dig 2 (2017, PC/PS4/PS Vita/XBO/Switch/3DS) ★★★★
- Strider (2014, PC/PS4/XBO/PS3/X360)
- Super Mombo Quest (2021, PC/PS5/PS4/XSX/XBO/Switch/Android/iOS)
- Super Roboy (2025, PC)
- Super Metroid (1994, SNES) ★★★★★
- Super Skelemania (2017, PC/PS4/Switch)
- Supraland (2019, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch)
- Supraland: Six Feet Under (2022, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX)
- Sundered: Eldritch Edition (2017, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch)
Severed |
- Tales of Kenzera: ZAU (2024, PC/PS5/XSX/Switch) ★★★
- Teslagrad (2013, PC/PS5/PS4/PS3/PS Vita/XSX/XBO/Switch/Wii U/Mobile)
- Teslagrad 2 (2023, PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/PC/Switch) ★★★
- TEVI (2023, PC/PS5/PS4/XSX/XBO/Switch) ★★★★
- The Aquatic Adventure of the Last Human (2016, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch)
- The Darkest Tales (2022, PC/PS5/PS4/XSX/XBO/Switch)
- The Devil Within: Satgat (2024, PC, demo/ PS5. Futuro lançamento: Switch)
- The Doors that Led to Nowhere (2024, PC, gratuito no Steam)
- The Knight Witch (2022, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch) ★★★
- The Last Case of Benedict Fox (2023, PC/XBO/XSX/PS5)
- The Last Faith (2023, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch) ★★★
- The Messenger (2018, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch)
- The Mobius Machine (2024, PS5/XSX/PC) ★★
- The Mummy Demastered (2017, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch)
- The Spirit of the Samurai (2024 PC. Futuro lançamento: PS5/XSX)
- The Throne (2024, PC/PS5/Switch)
- The Weird Dream (2024, PC. Futuro lançamento: Switch)
- Timespinner (2018, PC/PS4/PS Vita/XBO/Switch) ★★★
- Tiny Dangerous Dungeons Remake (2025, PC, Android, iOS)
- Thread (2021, PC)
- Toki Tori 2 (2013, PC/PS4/Switch/Wii U)
- Tomba! (1997, PS1/PC/PS5/XSX/Switch)
- Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine Return (1999, PS1. Futuro lançamento: PC/PS5/XSX/Switch) ★★★
- TOMOMI (2022, PC/Switch)
- Touhou Luna Nights (2019, PC/PS5/PS5/XBO/Switch)
- Transiruby (2021, PC, demo/PS4/XBO/Switch)
- Trash Quest (2021, PC/XBO/XSX/Switch)
- Treasure Adventure Game (2011, PC, gratuito no Steam, GOG)
- Treasure Adventure World (2018, PC)
- Turbo Kid (2024, PC)
The Knight Witch |
- Ufouria: The Saga 2 (2024, PC/PS5/XSX/Switch)
- Ultros (2024, PC/PS5/PS4/XSX/XBO/Switch)
- Unbound: Worlds Apart (2021, PC/PS5/PS4/XSX/XBO/Switch)
- Unepic (2011, PC/PS4/PS Vita/XBO/Switch/Wii U)
- Unsighted (2021, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch) ★★★★★
- Unworthy (2018, PC/Switch)
- Valdis Story: Abyssal City (2013, PC)
- Venture to the Vile (2024, PC/PS5/PS4)
- Vernal Edge (2023, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch) ★★★
- Vigil: the Longest Night (2020, PC/Switch)
- Vision Soft Reset (2019, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch) ★★★★
- Void Memory (2017, PC, gratuito no Steam)
- Voidwrought (2024, PC/Switch)
- Vyanka's Memories (2024, PC, demo)
Unsighted |
- WarriOrb (2020, PC/XBO/Switch)
- Witchroid Vania (2025, PC, demo/Switch)
- Within a Deep Forest (2006, PC, gratuito)
- White Flame Inna: Daughter of the Void (2025, PC)
- Worldless (2023, PC/PS34/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch) ★★★
- Wuppo (2017, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch)
- Xanthiom Zero (2023, PC)
- Xenosis (2023, PC. Gratuito no Steam)
- Xeodrifter (2014, PC/PS4/PS Vita/3DS/Switch) ★★★
- Yars Rising (2024, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch)
- Yohane the Parhelion -BLAZE in the DEEPBLUE- (2023, PC/PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/Switch)
- Yoku’s Island Express (2018, PC/PS4/XBO/Switch) ★★★★★
- You Are Peter Shorts (2024, PC)
- You Have to Win the Game (2012, PC. Gratuito no Steam, GOG,
- Zapling Bygone (2022, PS4/PS5/XBO/XSX/PC/Switch) ★★★
- Zexion (2025, PC)
Yoku's Island Express |
Futuros lançamentos
Aqui ficam os títulos já anunciados, mas ainda não lançados. Como o gênero está mais popular do que nunca, a lista também não é pequena:
Com previsão de lançamento
- Twilight Monk (26/03/2025, PC/Switch, demo. Futuro lançamento: PS5/XSX)
- Ascent DX (26/03/2025, PC)
- Inayah: Life after Gods (27/03/2025, PC. Futuro lançamento: PS5/XSX/Switch)
- Gal Guardians: Servants of the Dark (27/03/2025, PC/PS5/PS4/XSX/XBO/Switch)
- Rolling Star (31/03/2025, PC)
- Mandragora: Whispers of the Witch Tree (17/04/2025, PC/PS5/XSX/Switch)
- Pipistrello and the Cursed Yoyo (28/05/2025, PC/PS5/PS4/XSX/Switch, demo)
- Aeterna Lucis (Setembro de 2025, PC/PS5/PS4/XSX/XBO/Nintendo)
- Toziuha Nights: Order of the Alchemists (Outubro de 2025, PC, acesso atencipado)
Sem previsão
- A Handful of Dust (PC)
- A Rooftop Tale
- A Sister's Journey (PC)
- Abyss Unchained (PC)
- Abyss X Zero (PC, consoles)
- Akatori
- Altered Alma
- Astra: Fading Stars (PC, demo)
- Auridia (2025, PC)
- Ayna: Shattered Truth (PC)
- Being and Becoming (PC)
- Bloody Hell 2 (PC)
- Bushiden
- Castle in the Darkness II
- Clockwork Ambrosia
- Comix Zero (PC/PS5/XSX/Switch)
- Death Machine (PC, demo)
- Demon Quest (2025, PC, demo)
- Deviator (PC, acesso antecipado)
- Dewborne Dawn
- Dormiveglia (PC, demo)
- DurDanto (PC, acesso antecipado, demo)
Earthblade (cancelado T_T)- Eden's Guardian (PC/PS5/XSX/Switch)
- Elusive (2027, PC/PS5/XSX/Switch/Switch 2)
- Emberfall (PC, demo)
- Environmental Station Alpha II
- Exil (PC)
- Fallen Tear: The Ascension
- Fatal Claw (PC)
- Florarium (PC)
- Garden of Aiden (2026, PC)
- Grime II (PC)
- Hayaku! Island of Darkness (PC)
- Heart Forth, Alicia
- Hollow Knight: Silksong
- Last Moon (PC, demo)
- Last Vanguard (PC, em acesso antecipado)
- Light of Atlantis (PC, demo disponível)
- Little Nemo and the Nightmare Fiends (PC)
- Little Nemo and the Guardians of Slumberland (PC/Switch, depois PS5/XSX)
- Lone Fungus: Melody of Spores (PC)
- Lucid (PC/PS5/PS4/XSX/XBO/Switch)
- Mariachi Legends (PC/Switch)
- Maui the Shapeshifter (PC)
- Metro Gravity (2025, PC, demo)
- Metroid Prime 4 (2025, Switch/Switch 2)
- M.I.O.: Memories in Orbit (2025)
- Mira and the Legend of the Djinns (2025 Q2, PC/Switch, demo)
- Moadra (PC, demo)
- Momogatari
- Moon Samurai
- Morning Star (PC)
- Ninja Brigade feat Jonah Weingarten, PC, demo)
- YTASH: A Nocturnal Poem (2025, PC)
- Obsidian Legion (PC)
- Over the Horizon (PC)
- Pipsqueak! (PC, demo)
- Piroot (2025, PC)
- Plus Ultra: Legado (PC)
- Primal Planet (PC)
- Rune Fencer Illya (PC/PS5/XSX/Switch)
- SAK'D (PC, demo)
- Saviour (PC)
- Shadow Labyrinth (2025, PC/PS5/XSX/Switch)
- Shattered Divinities (PC, playtest)
- Silent Planet: Elegy of a Dying World (4° trimestre de 2026, PC)
- Sir Abandon (PC, acesso antecipado em 20/06/2025)
- Sky Dust (PC)
- Sliding Hero (2025, PC, demo)
- SteamDolls - Order of Chaos (PC, acesso antecipado, demo)
- Stellar Poetry (PC, demo)
- Stomp and the Sword of Miracles (PC)
- Stone (PC, demo)
- Supraworld (PC)
- Sweet Dreams Dahlia (PC, demo)
- Tails of Fate (2026, PC/PS5/PS4/XSX/Switch)
- The Good Old Days (PC, demo)
- The Perfect Pencil (2025 Q3, PC, demo)
- The Siege and the Sandfox
- The Swordfish: Knight of the Deep (PC)
- The Transylvania Adventure of Simon Quest (2025, PC/PS5/PS4/XSX/XBO/Switch)
- Ties: Soul Link (PC, demo)
- Timespinners 2: Unwoven Dream (PC, consoles)
- Um Conto da Floresta: Porasy (PC, demo)
- Vampire's Veil (PC)
- Volkolak: The Will of Gods (PC, demo)
- Xanthiom 2 (2025, PC)
The Siege and the Sandfox |
Encerramos nossa Pequena Enciclopédia de Metroidvania. Com o passar do tempo e dos lançamentos, tentarei atualizar as listas como puder!
Ainda tenho vontade de fazer um panorama cronológico com os principais lançamentos de cada ano, então uma terceira parte permanece possível.
Revisão: Juliana Paiva Zapparoli